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Monday, February 8, 2016

Pint Sized Conversations

Yikes!  It's been a while since I've posted.  :/  Obviously if you'd like to see more frequent updates, periodic school vacation days are required... And since that's about as likely as me winning the billion dollar lottery last month, let's just accept our relationship as it is and move forward. ;) 

So I've actually had very little progress on the vacay planning - other than acquiring a second job to pay for said vacay.  *sigh*  But let's not talk about that.  Let's talk about the awesome interactive link that one of Mark's friends from Ireland sent us all about the amazing Boyne Valley!  And let's talk about Pint Sized Ireland by Evan McHugh, which I've chosen as this month's book club selection!  I'm a chapter in and this book is already hella funny but I'm still struggling to understand the existence a non-American - much less an Australian! - who doesn't immediately like Guinness.  I know that we Americans have been raised on the nasty urine-colored/flavored beers and are therefore prone to gag on Guinness but an Australian?!  REALLY!?  I'm learning all kinds of stuff.  Btw, in case you're wondering, I do enjoy Guinness and have for many years.  Is it something that I have often?  No.  Is it something I can drink cold?  Hell, no!  But I do like a nice room temperature pint of the black stuff every now and then, especially the foamy stuff on top so I seem to at least be more acclimatized to the Irish drink than the author of this book - so far! 

What about you?  Have you ever drunk/do you drink Guinness?  Inquiring minds want to know!