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Monday, June 30, 2014

Good News-Bad News

My thought process upon arriving at last night's campground-

Bad news: For the second night in a row, our campground doesn't have a shower.

Good News: There is a natural hot spring bath here!

Bad news: It is full of moss and algae! Like sitting in a steeping cup of moss tea... wait a minute!

Good News: Icelanders drink moss tea! Therefore, if this is ok for them to DRINK, it's ok for me to marinate in, right? Right?!

Bad news: Ohmigod, did I mention there's no shower?! :/

Yep, that's moss and/or algae and/or green parasites floating in the water...
But at least we can enjoy a nice view while we're soaking up the mossy parasites! :D 

Update:  It only took a mere three years to add these photos to the blog post.  
Totally worth the wait.  :D 


  1. In my mind, all hot tubs and jacuzzis are just large algae and moss filled soup tureens for people. Now your image has sealed the deal for me. :) When are you returned? (I leave July 7); looking fwd to getting together to hear more about about your trip.

  2. LOL! Wait until you actually see the image and that will definitely be the nail in the coffin for hot tubs for you! ;) I just kept telling myself that the hot water from the geothermal source killed any germs that were in there. That's what I told myself. Over and over and over... ;)

  3. I will be back in SC July 3 but only briefly... Have to leave to pick the kids up in KY sometime Saturday. Maybe we could have a coffee Sat. morning to have a quick catchup before I go? :) You're on my way out of town! I can multi-task! :D


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