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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Dublin, Dublin, Toil and... Troublin'?

Dublin, Dublin, Toil and... Troublin'?

Well, the ferry passage is booked, the hostel is reserved, and ground transportation is sorted.  Looks like we're headed to Dublin!  Now I just have to decide what we're going to do while we're there!  Obviously my mini-me is no help at all when it comes to trip planning.  However, TripAdvisor has TONS of unsolicited advice about where I should go and what I should do while I'm there.  (How did they even know?!) Their list includes the following:

Kilmainham Gaol, which appears to be where Daniel Day Lewis was imprisoned in "In the Name of the Father."  

Glasnevin Cemetery, which "houses" 1.5 million Dubliners - the non-living kind.  (Hmm, I'm sensing a really depressing theme here, TripAdvisor.  I'm going to need you to try a little harder to ensure that I have an enjoyable trip, not one spent weeping into a beer at the bar!)

St. Stephen's Green, an historic park and garden in the center of Dublin.  Ok, somewhat better but we can't forget the Famine Memorial in the park, which is still going to bring down the tone of the vacay.  TripAdvisor, I'm going to need you to step up your game.  Think of the children!  (Ok, just one but still, we don't want him weeping into his ice cream the whole time!)

What Dublin travel suggestions do YOU have?

1 comment:

  1. The Gaol was actually VERY cool! As was St. Stephens Green, although not the famine memorial - that was creepy. I'm pretty sure you can tour the futbal stadium, which is supposed to be a highlight. -Amy Leeper via FB


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