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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Skyr is Here!

Guess who had a happy surprise in Kroger's natural/organic dairy section this morning!?  This girl because Skyr is here!  

Now if you've read the previous posts about my recent Icelandic adventure, you'll know that I sadly did not get to try as much Icelandic food as I would have liked.  Seriously, I generally like to eat my way through a culture but in this case, it was not meant to be.  Most of Iceland's traditional food was either too expensive for me to afford, too endangered for me to feel comfortable eating, or too hurl-worthy for me to endure after The Stomach Bug(TM).  (I swear I would have tried the fermented shark had it been available somewhere other than a flea market the day after recovering from my intestinal distress...)

Skyr, however, was an entirely different matter!  It was cheap-ish, plentiful, and so tasty with its many fruit-flavored varieties.  I think my fave was peach...  Anyway, I was excited to find it at Kroger so that I could share it with the fam.  Mark had had it in the Keflavik airport during our layovers so he was already a fan but the kids had only heard the legend that is Skyr.  I wished that Kroger had had the flavored Skyr instead of just plain but, no matter, the yogurt-show will go on and it will be gloriously tasty!  [insert awesome music here]

So, yeah, anyone who's ever had plain unsweetened yogurt can guess how the tasting went.  Mark and Rowan soldiered through, after adding garlic and chives and looking for potato chips to dip in it.  Eamon wasn't as lucky and went fetal almost immediately.  *sigh*  Ok, Kroger, hurry up and get some of the flavored Skyr, and some wind-dried haddock and horsemeat stew while you're at it, so I can give my family the true Icelanic culinary experience! 

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