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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Packing Wars

Is there such a thing as packing too early? 

No, of course not!  As long as by "early" you mean no more than an hour before you slam your suitcase shut, throw it in the car, and peel out of the driveway, desperately hoping that you won't miss your plane.  And if it's a road trip, you can shift your "early" packing all the way down to thirty minutes before your departure time.  

Honestly, I've "packed" in the middle of a road trip.  It's super easy.  You just swing by whatever Walmart you happen to be driving by - there's one every 2 miles after all - and buy your eight year old a new wardrobe and toothbrush for $48.95 and it's all good.  

I've really never understood this "early" packing that people talk about anyway.  How do you do without a week or two's worth of clothing until your departure date?  You don't, that's how.  You start taking things out of your "packed" suitcase and before you know it, you're missing half your stuff only you don't realize it because you "packed early" and then you take off on your trip with most of your stuff missing.  Insidious!  

I'm telling you, it's much better to pack immediately (i.e. 30 minutes to an hour) before your trip so that you have your whole wardrobe and all of your accessories available at once.  It also helps with the decision-making process:  "Should I pack the heels or the hiking boots?  Screw it!  I'll take both!"  That feeling that seems to be a cross between panic that you won't finish in time and paranoia that you've forgotten something (e.g. your eight year old's suitcase), is really just normal vacation excitement hormones and nothing to be concerned about.  Seriously, I've got this down to a science.

And then this happens...

Erica's attempt at "early packing"

What the heck does my sister think she's doing by starting to pack THREE AND A HALF WEEKS before the trip?  It's like we don't even share the same DNA.  :P

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