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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Where Are You Now?

Also January 2014

A few years ago - ok, eight - back when all the social networking sites were still jockeying for position, before Facebook shanked them all in a back alley and made them into skin suits, I accepted every questionable friend request on every fly-by-night social network.  Yep, I had them all - Multiply, MySpace, Yahoo!_360, Friendster, Facebook, LinkedIn, Orkut, some others I can't remember, and... WAYN?  From what I can tell, WAYN (Where Are You Now), is a foreign mail-order bride/international hook-up site.  To each his/her own, I guess.

After years of ignoring mesages like "Petr would like to explore Seattle with you" from WAYN in my email inbox, with a multi-country trip looming, it dawned on me that maybe I should embrace the crazy and make it work for me.  For once.  So I re-upped my password, revamped my profile pic, attempted to remove my real name, and dove in!  After posting sincere travel questions interwoven with a vague itinerary, I was pleasantly surprised to get some thoughtful and helpful responses - and, thankfully, only one "The only destination you need to worry about is my bed!"  Delete.  [Future WAYN posting notes:  Any/all posts/questions need to include, "My husband and I..." or "The hubby and I..." or at the very least "The ol' ball and chain..."]

Marriage proposals aside, I think my gamble paid off and I've learned things about the UK that I hadn't picked up on from the travel guides:  public tranporation options, possible destinations and even some Scottish slang.  According to Ewan, a "brolly" would be a good thing to bring on my trip because things could get wet.  Hmm... Ewan, I really hope that you're referring to rain jackets and thunder storms.  :/

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