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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Homeward Bound

Home again, home again, jiggity-jig!

My thirteen hour layover in London's Heathrow airport was actually kind of nice, kind of homey - thanks to Costa Coffee's many, many accessible couches and their inability to secure their open-floor-plan-space from vagabonds such as myself!  :D  With ear plugs I was even able to drown out the ever-present sounds of construction and PA system's quarterly warnings of the evils of letting your children play on the baggage trollies. 

I wanted to repay Costa Coffee this morning for their hospitality, however unintentional, so I ponied up for an iced coffee and a cherry tart as soon as they opened and settled in to feed my daily internet addiction as well.  I may have spent a little longer there than intended but I still wanted to avail myself of the United Airlines Club, for which I had a pass, so I set off to get checked in and get some freebies.  (And by "freebies" I mean snack food that my United Airlines Card fees have paid for many times over!)  However, if I had known how good their spread was, I would have availed myself a lot sooner!  In addition to the many pastries, breads, meats, cheeses, cereals, and yogurts, the had the full hot English breakfast - eggs, sausage, hash, tomatoes, beans, and mushrooms!  

As I attempted to hoard some of this yummy food for later (hey, don't judge - I'd been traveling for 24 hours, with 12 more to go!), I happened to look at the departures screen.  My flight was listed as Closing.  Oh. $#!%.  I have - knock on wood - NEVER missed a flight due to my own tardiness and sure as hell didn't want to start now.  Thirteen hours at Heathrow was plenty, thanks!  So as I was sprinting down the moving sidewalk, I noticed the weird sensation of things hitting the floor at my feet.  I turned to find that my back pack had come unzipped, spilling my food hoard - and thus my shame - onto the moving sidewalk.  Clumsy AND classless all at once!  What can I say, I AM the total package!  ;)  

So what did I learn from that embarassing, nearly disastrous airport incident?  Why, to be sure to arrive earlier to free food buffets in the future so that I'll have more time to securley stow my ill-gotten goods! :)

 My own little London flat at Heathrow! :D

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