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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Belfast Bound!

Belfast Bound!

Travel reservations are done*!   Yes, despite massive amounts of school work that I needed to do over the weekend, I managed to find time to shirk it all in favor of the much more enjoyable task of sifting through travel websites and hostel reviews.  Shocking, I know!  

Bus tickets are booked, hostel reservations are made, and airline tickets are purchased.  Now I just have to figure out what we're going to do there.  Of course, if Eamon has his way, we'll just visit all of their ice cream shops.  

Trip Advisor also has some suggestions and in their typically morbid fashion, they've suggested the following:  

Crumlin Road Gaol, which operated as a jail from 1845 until 1996.  Nope, not depressing at all...

Titanic Belfast, which admittedly looks cool in this photo but we all know what happened later... 

Ok, I'm kidding about the last one because I would really like to see where the Titanic was built but Trip Advisor really does need to step up their game and give some non-depressing trip advice!  Has anyone been to Belfast?  Where would you recommend that we visit?  

*Yes, grammar-nazis, I know that "done" is what a steak is and that the proper word would be "finished" - trust me, my 6th grade English teacher Mrs. Long is rolling over in her grave right now - but "done" just sounds better in this context!

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