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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Passports Are Overrated

May 11, 2014

Just one month from today and Mark and I will be winging our way to sunny downtown Glasgow!  Assuming that his passport arrives by then.  Not that I'm worried.  At all.  Really.  Oh-please-oh-please-oh-please-oh-please-oh-please-arrive-before-it's-time-to-go!

And in slightly related news, apparently Iceland is damn expensive in the summer.  Who knew!  I guess us if we would have read a travel guide before booking the tickets.  Erica found out today that four nights at a hostel in Reykjavik, sleeping in a  room with 6 other people, would cost $400.  Camping is looking better and better.  How cold do the nights get there in the summer if the sun doesn't really go down?

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