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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Flying the Friendly Skies

After missing our connecting flight out of Boston last night, due to weather delays in Charlotte, Mark and I were bummed about the way our epic vacation was starting off.  Luckily though, I have a cousin in Boston.  And not just any cousin but one that was willing to come rescue us from airport purgatory, in the middle of the night even!  Although I think now when she sees my number on caller ID, she may just let it go to voicemail...  But I hope not because you never know when I may come bearing fermented shark meat souvenirs from Iceland!  ;)  Thanks again, Erica & Tony!  

But not everyone has been as friendly to us during our airport (mis)adventures.  For example, as Mark and I were trying to get out of the airport shuttle today, an older woman was taking up the entire aisleway, while gathering all of her luggage.  Although I didn't want to cut in front of her or accidentally bump her, I also wanted to get clear and avoid further bottlenecking.  I saw an opening and quickly darted around her.  She looked at Mark, not realizing we were together, and said, "Some people are so pushy!"  In typical Mark fashion, he smiled broadly and said, "Tell me about it.  I'm married to her!"  He said the woman couldn't decide if she was embarrassed about her faux pas or sympathetic to his plight.  ;) 

Hopefully, the people we meet on the rest of our journey will be friendlier - if we ever make it out of Boston!

That's a lot of bull... ;)


  1. I hope the next leg of your trip go well my little Princess. But all of these "adventures" do make for a great selling book.
    Bunches of love, Aunt Bonnie
    P.S. I finally found how to comment (I hope).


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